
ModalX for Wicket
ModalX stands for "Modal eXtensions".
Wicket is one of the best Java User Interface frameworks available. We've been using it since 2006 and have never looked back.
The Wicketstuff library is designed to be a collections of enhancements that extend the Wicket framework with useful 'add ons'. ModalX is now part of the Wicketstuff library and is open source, released under the same Apache license.
ModalX is a small, elegant set of classes arranged in such a way that makes the creation and use of Modal Forms and Message Boxes in wicket just as easy as it was in the good old days of desktop development using MFC, OWL or Swing. Back in those days all you needed to do was derive from a ModalWindow class, add your 'extra' bits then simply instantiate the modal window and voila!
Please read on to discover what ModalX is, why it exists, play with a live demo and download it:
Modal Windows like you remember from the good old desktop days
ModalX brings a whole lot of good ole' desktop development stuff into Wicket with reusable ModalContentPanel and ModalFormPanel classes that are *really* easy to use - simply extend, create a corresponding HTML file and instantiate.
MessageBox Convenience
ModalX brings back the ease of use of a message box which has a self sizing height option so that the border fits snuggly around your text.
Reusable, invoke anywhere forms and message boxes
ModalX solves this problem too by allowing you to declare a series of generic ModalWindowS elements in your base page's HTML which then become available to any ModalWindow in your application. This supports nested modal windows in a generic and very convenient way. ModalX completely generifies this so that it's only necessary to place 'n' numbered modal window elements in your base page HTML file. ModalX automatically allocates the 'next' ModalWindow everytime it opens a nested modal window. 'n' is the maximum amount of Modal nesting that you will ever need to occur in your application at any time.